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Video Boot Up Process


  • In the rack under the front desk, find the machines labeled GFX 1 and GFX 2. Turn on the machine(s) you need by pressing the silver power button on the right of the machine. GFX 1 for lyric and center banner content. GFX 2 for all other content.
  • Login to the machine(s) using the login info that has been supplied to you.
  • Open ProPresenter and start your presentation.


  • On the touch panel on the front desk under the graphics monitors, select the Video page. (If you do not see the video button, press the home button in the bottom-right corner to go back.)
  • Touch the ON button under Projectors to power on all 3 projectors.

Center Screen

  • On the touch panel on the front desk, select the Video page.
  • Touch the down arrow to lower the screen. Press the stop button to stop the screen once it reaches your desired size or the black bar at the top of the projection screen starts to show.

Confidence Monitors

  • On the touch panel on the front desk, select the Video page.
  • Touch the ON button under Confidence to power on both confidence monitors.

Lobby Displays

  • On the touch panel on the front desk, select the Video page.
  • Touch the ON button under Lobby to power on the displays.


  • Turn on the monitor using the button on the bottom-right.

Video Shut Down Process


  • The computer should remain on at all times. Do not shut it down.


  • On the touch panel on the front desk, select the Video page.
  • Touch the OFF button under Projectors to power off all 3 projectors.

Center Screen

  • On the touch panel on the front desk, select the Video page.
  • Touch the up arrow to raise the screen.

Confidence Monitors

  • On the touch panel on the front desk, select the Video page.
  • Touch the OFF button under Confidence to power off both confidence monitors.

Lobby Displays

  • On the touch panel on the front desk, select the Video page.
  • Touch the OFF button under Lobby to power off the displays.


  • Turn off the monitor using the button on the bottom-right.

Lighting Boot Up Process

  • Power on the lighting machine by pressing the power button on the machine located under the desk.
  • Login to the machine using the login info that has been supplied to you.
  • The Vista Lighting software should start automatically. The room will briefly black out until the software takes over.
  • Adjust the lights using the labeled faders.

Lighting Shut Down Process

  • Ensure you have a correct preset selected on lighting wall panel.
  • Save and close the Vista software.
  • Shutdown windows completely using the start menu.
  • The room will briefly black out until the wall panels take over.

Wall Lighting Preset Cheat-Sheet

  • Option 1: House Full
  • Option 2: House Half
  • Option 3: House Half w/ Stage
  • Option 4: Off
  • (Booth Only) Option 5: House Half w/ Stage (Warm Colored)
  • (Booth Only) Option 6: House Half w/ Stage (Cool Colored)
  • (Booth Only) Option 7: Empty
  • (Booth Only) Option 8: Off