We shall operate at levels lower than OSHA allowable exposure levels, and shall be in compliance with metering and action requirements to ensure a safe environment. This shall also remain true for Production staff and volunteers, who are exposed to 200% to 500% more duration than an attendee, with work weeks which can occasionally include multiple special events in addition to 3 weekend services, with their associated sound checks, line checks, and rehearsals.

Campus wide, SPL meters shall be used in any room with levels reaching 85dB(A)-slow.

The Main Auditorium shall, in addition to SPL(A)-slow peak, measure LAeq60 for the entire service/exposure/dosage period. Attendees for a weekend service experience less than 5% of the OSHA allowable daily volume exposure during a typical service.

Maximum levels shall be limited to 105dB(A)-slow and 130dB(C)-fast *

For any typical service, LAeq(60) shall be below a safe 94dB(A)-slow **

Concerts and special events, where attendees are expecting, and sometimes paying for, a louder experience, LAeq60 shall be below 100dB(A)-slow ***

For reference (as measured at FOH):
Main Auditorium services currently average LAeq(60) 80-88dB
The congregation alone can reach levels of 97dB(A)slow
Concert and special events have averaged LAeq(60) 85-92dB

* 10dB lower than OSHA allowable noise exposure levels.
** 11dB lower than OSHA allowable noise exposure for 1 hour, and meets the more strict, newly adopted EE ISO Action-Level-2 standard for workplace noise exposure.
*** Meets OSHA allowable noise exposure for 2 hours. This is the maximum level allowed through our house system, and is electronically-limit-protect- ed to not allow more than this.