Playlister is a service we use to playback content in rooms across the campus. Playlister allows us to push content to many displays from one central location without having to carry flash drives to each room.

Getting Started

Ready to get started in Playlister? Click the registration link in the email you received from our admin team, setup your account, and make sure you are logged in. Once you are ready take a look at this video:


  • Playlister is available in every room that has a display and is reservable in Rock.

  • No, we are using Playlister as a tool for playing “offline” content. It can only play content loaded ahead of time through the Playlister web interface.

  • No, with the exception of the conference rooms, the Apple TVs on the displays across campus have AirPlay disabled.

  • No, to ensure the best experience for everyone using the displays, please do not unplug the Apple TVs or switch the inputs on the displays to a different input.

  • No, the Apple TVs are locked to Playlister and will only play content loaded ahead of time through the Playlister web interface.

  • In some cases yes, in others no.

    Playlister is a great replacement for ProPresenter when you just want to show a few pre-built graphics or a video or two.

    Playlister is not a replacement for ProPresenter when you need to make frequent last-minute changes, display large amounts of slides/images/videos, skip around in your content, or for large live events with complex content requirements.

  • You are responsible for curating your own content for use in Playlister. You can load content delivered directly from Comms, download content from the internet, or rip content from DVDs we own. All content must be obtained legally and must abide by all copyright laws. If you need help or have questions about the content you are downloading, please reach out to production in the #help-production channel on Slack.

  • The majority of content should have a native resolution of 1920x1080. Other resolutions can work with the system but may result in undesired cropping or black bars on the top or sides.

    Playlister works with images (.jpg, .png) or videos (.mp4, .mov).

  • Videos in particular have to process after they are uploaded. This can take quite a while depending on the size of the video. You will know the video is done processing when it shows the size of the video next to the video in the Media tab and shows a thumbnail of the video in the same list.

  • Playlister is designed to trickle-sync content to the displays over time. The system is designed this way to prevent our network from getting overloaded when many displays try to sync at the same time.

    Syncing can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on how big the media is in the playlists it’s syncing and how many displays are syncing at the same time.

  • Utilizing the Availability feature on the playlist itself, you can set a playlist to only appear on the displays during a certain date/time window. However, you cannot set a playlist to show up on a recurring schedule (i.e. every Monday from 3 - 10pm).